Saturday, July 31, 2010

Great Ways to Save Money-Gifts

Many people spend way to much money on gifts for their income level. Unfortunately, this enjoyable and rewarding practice can suffer when people set their mind to saving money and sticking to a budget. Still there are ways to give meaningful gifts without spending too much money.

If you ask people if they prefer a store bought or handmade gift, many would choose a thoughtful handmade item. Handmade gifts are individualized and come from the heart. When you have a birthday, anniversary, baby shower, wedding, or Christmas gift to give, you can save some money and make a more long lasting impression by making the gift.

For Christmas, you could make a beautiful ornament or door wreath, for a baby shower you could purchase an inexpensive bib pattern and make special bibs, or for a wedding, you could create an artistic album of photos for showing the couple's dating

Other good ideas include making homemade hot chocolate, soaps, candles, or lotions and placing them in inexpensive glass containers or baskets purchased at a thrift store. If you use a mason jar, you can add foam and fabric under the lid for added color, use a label to write the contents and a message of endearment, and wrap a nice piece of ribbon around the ridge.

If you get stuck for an idea just do a search online for hand made gift ideas and you will find ideas for every occasion. The options are endless, so get creative and reward you loved ones with with thoughtful and meaningful gifts that they will cherish.