The first step to getting out of debt is to stop getting in debt in the first place. Borrowing money is like digging a hole. If you keep digging you might start to wonder how you are ever going to get back out again. Spending too much can become a vicious cycle, especially if you use shopping as a way of dealing with your emotions or anxieties of being in debt. It will likely be necessary for you to reevaluate your wants versus your needs. It may also require that you make some changes in your lifestyle and expectations. Fortunately, these kinds of changes can become habitual and much easier over time. You may even find that you can live almost as comfortably on less money once you have developed new habits and adjusted your way of looking at things.
Once you have stopped digging you need to begin filling the hole back in. This will take some time and effort. It involves making a budget, cutting back on expenses, and using the extra money to begin paying off what you owe. It is best to follow a realistic plan with achievable goals. Over time, you may be able to become more aggressive in paying down your debt.
Focus on this essential strategy and avoid becoming distracted by things like debt consolidation, or drawing equity out of your home to pay off other debts. It's generally better to simply get a good grip on how you spend your money and then develop a budget that allows you to gradually pay down your debt. Getting out of debt can be difficult, but with proper planning, it can be a very achievable goal.
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