Thursday, July 22, 2010

Great Ways to Save Money-Small Expenses

Did you know that an average cup of coffee from a coffee shop could easily cost you twenty times what it could cost you to make at home?

It's usually the little daily expenses that really add up and eat away at your budget. For example, how much do you spend on your morning coffee? Suppose you buy one $2.50 coffee a day, that is $12.50 a week (5 days) and $50.00 a month. That amounts to $600 a year for just coffee.

Imagine what you could do with that money if you made your coffee at home instead.

What other little expenses are preventing you from reaching your financial goals or attaining the things you really want or need? We all tend to have little things that we buy out of habit without giving them much thought. Many of them could easily be reduced or eliminated without significantly effecting your quality of life. If you start doing the math, you might be amazed at how much money you can save on little things.