Bargain shopping isn't just for things like clothes, furniture or other higher priced items, you can also save an amazing amount of money if you concentrate on getting good deals on items that are less expensive, but are purchased more regularly. Maintain the same habits you use at a department store. Keep your eyes open for clearance racks and sales on grocery items you need.
Store brands can offer significant discounts on what are often products of similar quality. Buying in bulk can also save you a lot of money if you will actually use the items or can share them and the purchase price with a friend. (Make it a practice to calculate the price per unit or ounce to make sure that you are actually getting a good deal.)
Advance planning goes a long way towards saving you money at the checkout register. Using a list can help you to avoid impulse buying. Be careful of grocery shopping with an empty stomach, since you will likely tend to buy more expensive and less nutritious junk food type items. It also pays to check the ad flyers and clip coupons before you even set foot in a grocery store. This will help you to plan your budget and find the best deals.
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